We had booked a river cruise on the Mekong River at Indochina Voyages.
Before we started the boat trip we stayed in Siem Reap for five days. Via Indochina Voyages, we had booked tours to the famous temples including Angkor Wat.
The day tours to the temples were superbly organized. As there was little water in the Lake Tonle Sap, we were picked up by bus from Siem Reap and then driven to Kampong Cham, where we boarded the cruise boat Jahan. This boat looked luxurious with spacious cabins and beautiful bathrooms.
The crew on board the Jahan was very friendly and hospitable. The food during the cruise was excellent.
The cruise began in Kampong Cham and the Jahan sailed downstream via Phnom Penh to Vietnam. Two excursions were done per day with good and professional guides.
The places along the Mekong river in Cambodia and Vietnam are not often visited by tourist.
This trip was really relaxing for our family and other passengers. After a few days there was a good relationship with the other passengers.
A must for others who love nature, history and sailing.rists.

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