Christmas is over, and while everyone is enjoying a rewarding trip somewhere all over the world, I am sitting next to my Christmas tree finishing the report of 2012 and think more about 2013. Yes it seems late to think about 2013, but for a small company like Indochina Voyages, we are on the right track knowing where we are and what we will do.My heart warms up to receive an email from a client of Nam in the evening saying his family is enjoying Luang Prabang and everything is going well. My heart cheers up when I received another email to confirm the deposit has been made to our account with another client of Huyen. I know most managers/ owners will never satisfy about their employees, it is never enough and you will need to keep learning and sparkling all the time, thriving to be the good, the better and the best employee. But it’s not necessary to be true in Indochina Voyages. I have seen our sales staffs has been thriving to be good and better, and have seen them growing in skills in the last year working in Indochina Tours Company, I am so proud of you guys, with minor mistakes, you have gone miles and miles with the customers to make them happy and know that they always have a friend in Vietnam. Keep learning and expose your own character, with a blend of sensitiveness, thoughtfulness, skills and experiences you had, to offer the best services!
2013 will be the turning point for us while 2012 is the basic steps to make a revolution on the structure of the company. We will move to the bigger and nicer office very soon in early Jan, we try not to be super big, but it’s time to get out of the super mini company size and we need more space for ourselves, there, I hope everyone of us once have space, we will be able to develop new ideas, to be their real selves and to be closer with each other, the thing I have always hope for, to make any office that I work in – to be my 2nd family.

Money is a centrepiece in a business, and yes, never forgets we are doing business here. It’s funny to see / hear what staffs often say/think “it’s not our business and money, so why we should care to make it any better?” Please remember, it’s YOUR MONEY if the business is going up, and it’s the UNEMPLOYMENT waiting for you in such hard down-turn economic situation out there if you think that way. And if you ever think that way, I wonder why you are still sitting there, working for the company. It’s time for you to commit, or to walk away. Don’t waste your time and people time. Life is just that harsh.
Anyway, back to the good happy thoughts. So we have clients as our dear friends, colleagues as 2nd family, and we love our jobs. What could be better than a life full of love and know that someone is out there willing to listen and help if you need? Life is that much easy if all of us – each – be hard-working, patient and focus into our works when we work and being you when we play. It is, that much easy.
So, take a deep breath, relax
.. And get ready for the race of 2013!