If it is the first time you go to Vietnam, you must be so shy and confused. As you have not had any experience, you can also have a lot of mistaken thinking about Vietnamese people as well as the country. To avoid it and have an amazing trip in Vietnam, let’s discover. Indochina tours in Vietnam
Don’t dispirit if you fall off a motorbike

Being the most popular means of transport in Vietnam, motorbikes attract a large number of foreigners to explore this country on back of motorbikes. However, not all of travelers know the way and have enough experiences to have completely safe journey. Therefore, being hurt when going to Sapa, Moc Chau or Mui Ne by this vehicle is unavoidable. Don’t worry. It is not because you are foreigners, Vietnamese people also fall of a motorbike many times. Regard it as an interesting experience and explore Vietnam by motorbike.
Unreasonable cost services

If you go to the most bustling centers, the cost is very high particularly for foreigners. For example, in Hoi An Ancient Town, it costs Vietnamese about 50.000 VND to buy sandals while international visitors in the appearance of blue eyes, yellow hair, straight nose and bad Vietnamese level will have to pay more, even ten times as Vietnamese. There are many informative shares about the way to negotiate to solve this problem. Ask price before using the services is the most effective way. Besides, you can also make use of some of rating websites. Tours in Vietnam
Alert of cheating

Due to the difference in language, many tourists mistake between 15.000vnd and 50.000vnd. This is the reason why they have to pay a different price from the price they have asked. Give the sellers money before using the services is the best solution.
Vietnam is not really poor

It is common that most of foreign people who have never been to Vietnam only think about this country as a remote country, where yellow skin and black hair people stay in undeveloped situation and difficult economy negatively affected by wars. That also means mischieves are so many. Many aged American people even thought that they will be distinguished because of the serious relation between Vietnam and America in the past. However, arriving in Vietnam and you will be surprised to see a new innovated country and receive the warm welcome of hospitable locals.
Keep away from peddled vendors

Unluckily, in Vietnam, the most popular target of hucksters is foreigners. Once going to this country, it is advisable to keep away from hucksters who always ask with insistence to prevent yourself from being stolen cameras, wallets, and phones.
Asia travel.
Read more:
- Vietnam Cultural Highlights 14D-13N
- Adventure the winding North West 7D-6N
- Explore unfold Hagiang 5D-4N