Tonle Sap Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia and is an ecological hot spot that was designated as a UNESCO biosphere in 1997.

The Tonle Sap Lake is unusual for two reasons: its flow changes direction twice a year. Its dimension changes depending on the monsoon and dry season. During raining season from June to October, the lake is filled by water flowing from the Mekong River with 14 meters in depth and expands the surface of 10,000 square kilometers. In dry season from November to May its size 3,000 square kilometers with two meters in depth and water flows out from the Lake to the Mekong, in and out flowing is the natural phenomenon occurrences. The flooded forest surrounding the edge of the lake is the best shelter and also very important for all kinds of fishes spawned and breeding babies. This lake providing many of biodiversity, over 300 species of fresh water fishes, as well as snakes, crocodiles, tortoises, turtles and otters. More than 100 varieties water birds including storks, pelicans, etc. Visit Tonle Sap lake with Tours to Cambodia

It is one of the most productive fishing lakes in the World, supporting over 3 million people and providing over 75% of Cambodia’s annual inland fish catch and 60% of Cambodians’ protein intake. The floodplains host ‘flooded forests’ which spend much of the year under meters of water with only their top branches visible. The local population has also adapted to the unique ecology of the lake with floating villages and stilted houses.

Tonle Sap Lake located about 15 km south of Siem Reap town so that you can make your journey from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh by express boat crossing the lake and dock at the village of Chong Khneas. Tonle Sap Lake is the unique eco-system and cultural area offering the opportunity to see a different side of the Siem Reap – floating villages, cultural and nature tours, birdwatching… The Tonle Sap Lake is a natural wonder and a spectacle to behold.
The Indochina Voyages team.
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