There are so many airline flight operators Vietnam – Myanmar such as Thai Airways, Malaysia Airlines, Bangkok Air, AirAsia, Silk Air, Korean Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Air India … with flight segments as follows: Indochina tours
- From Hanoi – international airport Yango – Myanmar: Currently there are 13 airline operators this particular flight: Malaysia Airlines; Vietnam Airlines; H1; Silkair … with ticket prices ranging from 204USD – 2.855USD has 47 flights per day. But that only Vietnam Airlines Vietnam Airlines has direct flights to the international airport Yango – Myanmar. As for the remaining airlines is transiting in Bangkok, Thailand. You can fly here then go by road from Thailand – Myanmar. Flight time is approximately 1h50 to Yango capital of Myanmar.

To move to the tourist destinations in Myanmar you can choose its passenger car Seven Diamond Express by book via email. Or contact us at the airport for more details. The carmaker mining segments follows:
- Stations of Yangon – Bagan (Ye ‘ Thu Aung Bus), fares include other service charges ranging around 20.000Kyats (over USD 19).
- Stations of Bagan – Mandalay (MYAT Mandalar), fare including service charge is 9.500Kyats (over USD 9).
- Stations Mandalay (MYAT Mandalar) – Heho; fare including service charge is 12.000Kyats (over USD 11).
- Stations of Heho (Nyaung Shwe) – Yangon (Yan Aung Kyee); fare including service charge is 25.000Kyats (over USD 24). Fee at the airport ticket delivery is 10.000Kyats (nearly $ 10).
- Stations Mandalay – Pyin Oo Lwin you can buy tickets at the hotel. Air-conditioned car fare is 8.600Kyats (over USD 8USD). Myanmar travel packages
- Moving in Mandalay:
- Taxi : At the bus station there Mandalar MYAT taxi to visit the famous tourist attractions such as the temple of the Mahamuni routes, famous teak bridge, Sagaing Hill , the ancient capital Inwa cost about $ 50/ day.
- Wooden Boats: From Mandalay – former capital of valuable 1.000Kyats Iwa ($ 1) including leg and back.
- Coach: Coach to carry maximum Inwa village about 3 people costs USD 8 / plays.

- Shesandaw temple:
On the remote temple pyramids Shesandaw like Egypt. The temple is made up of four sides, five floors and a bell tower on the top face. Legend temple built by King Anawrahta 1057 , as storage is 1 in 8 relics of Shakyamuni hair The architecture of the house is designed quite unique in that remarkable of all is the house has 4 staircases are made of bricks at the four sides , each with 5 floors of stairs . Climb the tower visitors can observe the magnificent scenery all around the house.

Asia travel.
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