One of the most romantic and picturesque destinations, particularly for honeymooners, when traveling Vietnam, is Valley of Love which is about 5 km far from the center of Da Lat city to the north. In the past, the valley had to experience challenges a lot to gain its rightful name as nowadays. It was originally given a name of Valley of Peace under the Emperor Bao Dai and then was changed into the current name. As a result of the honeymoon spot of newly-married couples, this valley is even regarded as Niagara Fall of Vietnam.

Valley of Love is one of Da Lat tourist attractions with plenty of deep valleys and endless pine forests. There was a dam built in 1972 across the valley forming tranquil Da Thien Lake, which enhances much the seductive beauty here and makes the valley become a common stop for tourists whenever traveling Da Lat. It is not difficult to truly appreciate the sceneries since travelers are able to easily follow the natural tracks and staircases s around the love to visit and admire the stunning flower gates and statues. Many couples hire boat to hang around on the lake, and then sit under the shade of the immense pine forests to speak softly love to each other.

Another path leads visitors to Mimosa Stream flowing from the downstream of Da Thien Dam surrounded by mimosa flowers. It is a heaven on earth as visitors can listen to the singing of the stream while smelling the scents of flowers. Visit Vietnam with Indochina travel

From the magnificent view of the Valley of Love, Vong Canh Hill gradually appears in each of traveler’s eyes. From that hill, they can also witness the Langbian peaks standing out vividly against the blue sky, or continue their adventure to find the Paradise Hill, another ideal destination which is surrounded by extremely beautiful lakes.

On Vong Canh Hill, guest can see the processing of perfume production of Miss Da Lat Company and visit its perfume showroom. Tourists can buy original souvenirs and over 100 types of perfume there. Many couples, even those who have cohabited for almost all their lives, often go hand in hand to the Valley of Love as though this were an exclusive venue for them only.
The Indochina Voyages team.
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